Have you ever known one who died feeling alone, frightened or unsupported?
Hannah ensures that you and your loved ones are cared for with support and guidance so the end of life process can be dignified, empowered and in alignment with your unique wishes.
Allow your dying process to be a sacred rite of passage. Death is not a medical failure.
Choose to experience death consciously with Hannah.
For death may be the very thing that infuses our lives with meaning.
Dying well inspires living well: the two are really one.

Getting the news of our dying can leave us feeling unsupported, powerless and alone. End of Life Doulas provide a safe space: a bottom to hold our grief, a place on which to rest and have our needs attended to. Doulas are the missing link in our care system, helping us honor death as an integral and sacred part of life. Doulas are non-medical companions, consultants and teachers of how to die well in a society that has forgotten how to do so.
The End of Life Doula supports individuals and families throughout the dying process and beyond. These guides bring healing presence, compassion and wisdom to the bedside to restore the sanctity of this journey; Doulas ensure that individuals are heard, seen and held along the way. Hannah of Eternal Grace is here to honor your wishes and support you in dying with dignity.
"How we die, how we care for dying people and how we carry the dead: Taken all together, this work makes our village life or breaks it."
- Stephen Jenkinson, Die Wise

To restore our innate, sacred relationship with death through conscious dying at the bedside. To create a death-positive culture that honors our soul and the soul of the world, instilling a deep sense of connection, gratitude and wonderment for the mystery of life.
The Doula serves individuals and their loved ones to honor a dignified life and death. A Doula meets someone wherever they are along their journey and listens to their fears, concerns and dreams. Doulas offer the presence of a sacred, spacious environment. In that loving spaciousness, people have the opportunity to die as they wish, on their terms.
Doulas address and advocate for the physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and practical needs of an individual during this time. Using the Vision Mapping technique adopted from the Conscious Dying Institute, Hannah truly listens to what a person needs to feel complete across these domains and helps create a plan to get there. Mapping out one’s wishes and creating a tangible plan to achieve them not only alleviates worry but also serves as an instruction manual for caretakers to honor.
Physical: Creating a Comfortable, Safe and Healing Environment for Home and Body
Care coordination with practitioners for pain management
Involving alternative therapies, such as energy medicine, to promote comfort and relaxation
Creating sacred space (altars, pictures, scents and music)
Emotional: Honoring Feelings and Relationships
Assisting healing of relationships that need completion
Guiding and mediating difficult conversations
Working with grief through ritual and ceremony
Spiritual: Honoring Beliefs and Practices
Transpersonal counseling
Prayer & meditation
Mental: Honoring Life Legacy
Reflecting on meaning, memories and purpose
Legacy projects
Practical: Planning for After Death Care
Planning rituals, ceremonies and services
Any cultural or spiritual practices that can be honored
Coordination and advocating arrangement of Will, Advanced Directives and/or Power of Attorney


Vigil Planning:
Creating Sacred Space and Altars
Facilitating gatherings of loved ones over prayer, meditation, sacred singing and music
Arranging a Living “Celebration of Life”
Home Funeral Planning:
As we hold celebrations throughout life at home, may we learn to create sacred ceremonies around death and dying there too. Vigil and Home Funerals are beautiful ways for people to experience the sacred passage together. These gatherings offer individuals and families a way to connect at home in a natural and peaceful way. Additionally, these honor the unique wishes of an individual and bring together the family and community in order to love, grieve and heal during this essential time. After a loved one has passed, family may participate in the tender care-taking of the body in addition to prayer, story telling or simply through presence. Many find this natural approach deeply healing.
For more information please visit:
Doulas are consultants and educators for their communities. Doulas help initiate conversations about the dying process and demystify stages of the dying process while acknowledging that everyone’s journey is unique. Eternal Grace serves as a platform to educate our death phobic culture and raise conscious awareness locally and globally.


Hannah is the founder of Eternal Grace. Her calling as a Sacred Passage Doula was revealed to her when she began working as a hospice nurse in Colorado in 2016. She was drawn to the incredible grace of being with those who are dying. Instantly she knew the sacredness of this process and came to see death not as a scary, far off thing, but as a companion who walks with us all our lives. She saw death as a beautiful transition when received with support, compassion and authenticity. She knew then that death is indeed life-giving and infuses our lives with meaning and appreciation. It is her deep honor to offer her compassion, presence and wisdom to the ones she holds as they traverse, together, the ridge of human experience and the great beyond.
Hannah sees clients in person in Key West, FL and virtually around the world for end of life coaching, consultations and care. She facilitates workshops and presentations on conscious living and dying and grief rituals through the Conscious Dying Institute.
Hannah is also faculty with the Conscious Dying Institute and Director of Healthcare Systems, bringing CDI’s end of life doula training into hospitals and hospices across the United States and internationally.
Hannah is a producer for the feature film The Last Ecstatic Days. This is the first documentary to intimately reveal the journey of a young man, Ethan "E3" Sisser, who consciously died well and inspired the world to do the same. Coming 2022.
Sacred Passage Doula - Conscious Dying Institute under Tarron Estes
Registered Nurse (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) - University of Vermont
Healing Touch Practitioner Level I, II & III - University of Vermont
Ro-Hun Practitioner (Energetic Trauma Release) - under Renee Lanier PhD
Meditation Teacher & Psychospiritual Counselor

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross - On Death and Dying
Stephen Jenkinson - Die Wise
Barbara Karnes - End of Life Guideline Series
Lucinda Herring - Reimagining Death
Stephen Levine - Who Dies?
Francis Weller - The Wild Edge of Sorrow
Thich Nhat Hanh - No Death No Fear
video clips
Barbara Karnes - New Rules for End of Life Care
Francis Weller - Minnesota Men's Conference
Stephen Jenkinson - The Skill of Brokenheartedness

Upcoming Events
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